About Us
The Alexander Reading Method has 5 specific levels. Children reach an advanced second grade/early third grade reading mark before they even start first or second grade. This is for children ages 2 1/2 and up.
We believe that using age appropriate educational games geared to helping children learn to focus, read and write, and finding out what each child loves, is key to children wanting to learn anything at a young age.
The Alexander Reading Method and teaching materials were designed with this in mind.
We also believe that when children are given the chance to learn to read BEFORE they start to compare themselves to their friends in first grade, the confidence they carry is immeasurable to any gift you could ever give them.
We have seen that children as young as three to four and a half years old are VERY excited to learn to read with our method.
Two and a half year olds for the most part are not developmentally ready, nor do most of them have the attention span to start learning to read. However, if you have that 1-in-a million child who is clearly begging for books, already has an extensive vocabulary, is eager to learn, and retains information easily, we are happy to offer an assessment to see if he or she is ready.
This program is extremely successful with first and second graders who are behind and need to catch up and get ahead.
Parents love this program so much that it’s not uncommon for them to continue with their second or third child once the reaches the age of 2 or 3.